It is with great sadness that I have to notify all of the untimely death of Dr. Freddy Hargreave. Dr. Hargreave was truly one of the giants of respiratory medicine over the last 40 years and helped change our thinking about the treatment of serious diseases like asthma, chest infections and COPD. In doing so he hugely improved the care of patients throughout the world and his work improved many lives. He taught many students and fellows from many different countries – many of whom returned home and became internationally recognized in their own right. He made our hospital world famous – but more importantly, he lived the Mission every single minute in his work. He cared for individual patients in an exemplary manner with unfailing courtesy, dedication, humility, kindness and, most particularly, in bringing the challenges they faced each day to the research community to find better ways of relieving their suffering.
Our sympathies go to his family. May he rest in peace.
Dr. David A. Higgins
President, St. Joseph’s Healthcare
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